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        產品展示 > 控制電纜 > > Thermocouple Cable
        產品名稱 : Thermocouple Cable
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        For use as a 600 Volt, multi-pair thermocouple instrumentation cable where flame-retardance, and moisture/chemical resistance is critical. Cable can be installed in free air, in raceways, or direct burial. The cable is also approved for wet or dry locations as well as Class 1 Division II industrial hazardous locations per NEC 501-4(b) for (UL) Type Tray Cables (TC).
        Temperature rating of 90oC wet or dry. Insulation provides excellent electrical, thermal, and physical properties, excellent flame resistance and resistant to crush, compression, cuts and heat deformation. Also conductor insulation provides good low temperature (-40oC) cold bend characteristics.
        Approved for direct burial.

      1. Conductor is thermocouple alloy per ANSI MC96.1 - 1982.
      2. Extruded flame-retardant ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) insulation.
      3. Conductors twisted together with a drain wire and aluminum mylar shield. Shielded pairs cabled together with fillers as needed to form a round core. An overall aluminum mylar shield and drain wire is applied over the core.
      4. Pairs are color coded per thermocouple type with pair number printed on the negative (red) conductor. See chart below for specific color codes.
      5. Black, flame-retardant, sunlight resistant, Chlorinated Polyethylene (CPE) jacket. Available with color coded jacket.
      6. Available with class B stranding per ASTM B174.

      7. Insulated Conductor - VW-1.
      8. UL Type TC, 90oC Wet or Dry, 600V
      9. ICEA S-82-552, 90oC Wet or Dry, 600V.
      10. Passes UL 1277 Flame Test (70,000 BTU/hr).
      11. Passes UL 1202 Flame Test (70,000 BTU/hr).
      12. Passes IEEE 383 Flame Test (70,000 BTU/hr).
      13. Passes ICEA T-29-520 Flame Test (210,000 BTU/hr).

        EX - Color Code
      14. Chromel (Positive) - PURPLE
      15. Constantan (Negative) - RED

        JX - Color Code
      16. Iron (Positive) - WHITE
      17. Constantan (Negative) - RED

        TX - Color Code
      18. Copper (Positive) - BLUE
      19. Constantan (Negative) - RED

        KX - Color Code
      20. Chromel (Positive) - YELLOW
      21. Alumel (Negative) - RED

        Note: Dimensions and weights shown are nominal, subject to industry tolerances. Dimensions and weights for other cabLe configurations are available upon request.

      22. 相關產品:
        CONTROL CABLE FR-XLPE Insulated Conductors, PVC Jacket, 600V
        CONTROL CABLE FR-XLPE Insulated Conductors, PVC Jacket, 600V
        CONTROL CABLE FR-XLPE Insulated Conductors, CPE Jacket, 600V
        CONTROL CABLE FR-XLPE Insulated Conductors, CPE Jacket, 600V
        CONTROL CABLE FR-XLPE Insulated Conductors, CU Shield, CPE Jacket, 600V
        CONTROL CABLE FR-XLPE Insulated Conductors, CU Shield, CPE Jacket, 600V